Andrea Bertamino FLASH Magazine writer
NICOLA RANDONE "Morte Di Un Amore" voto: 90 NICOLA RANDONE, siciliano da Ragusa con alle spalle esperienze con la prog band Grey Owl,...
an art rock project from Sicily
NICOLA RANDONE "Morte Di Un Amore" voto: 90 NICOLA RANDONE, siciliano da Ragusa con alle spalle esperienze con la prog band Grey Owl,...
Tracks: Visioni, Il pentimento di Dio, Tutte le mie stelle, L’infinito, Un cieco, La Giostra, Strananoia, Amore Bianco, Morte di un Amore More...
Summary Nicola Randone is a vocalist/songwriter from Italy. He says his style is Italian progressive contaminated with various other music style. The album...
Wenn ich jetzt schreibe, dass es sich um italienischen Schlager mit Neoprog- Elementen handelt, wird das dem Werk Randones nicht gerecht. Auch nicht,...
Wow! Every once in a while, I receive a CD that doesn't fall completely in the prog category, yet manages to blow me...
un album di grande spessore, un nome promettente da tenere d'occhio!!
Nicola Randone’s brand of progressive rock is more song based which he fuses other music styles to give a different flavor. There are...
I rate this CD one of the top releases this year, and especially recommend it to fans of Italian progressive rock
un'opera molto creativa e ben realizzata, con liriche tutt'altro che banali e un'atmosfera generale di buon effetto
Nicola Randone is a highly talented progressive music artist, and this CD is perfect proof of it. You noticed that I wrote "progressive...