vitt says:
[…] If Haikara offered a very good track, RANDONE arrived with a masterpiece. Like most of the others, the song is named after one of the film’s central personages, here: Jill. I like Randone’s creation in general, and he didn’t let me down:-) this time, too. Nicola sings alone, and also being joined by his band mates, one of which is a female singer. The music is original from head to toe, is highly intriguing, and is a full-fledged Symphonic Art-Rock with elements of Opera and some of those related to Classical music.[…] full review
proggnosis says:
[…] Italian based band Randone presents us Jill in a Symphonic Art-Rock manner, with escapades into classic venues and even operatic liaisons. It is a strong and compact song that will, no doubt, be considered one of the best of the album by many listeners. […] full review
infandous says:
[…] The next track by Randone is probably the best one on the whole album, done in a somewhat more modern Italian prog style, yet still maintaining a 70’s feel to the overall composition. Some great guitar work and vocals in this one. […] full review
keith says:
[…] The 2nd song by Randone seems to me to get off to a labored start. It is called Jill. The good thing is that Randone has many great musical ideas to make up for the starting point. I liked it a lot and the guitar work is exceptional! […] full review
sinkadotentree says:
[…] RANDONE from Italy does the second track “Jill”.This is better with all the vintage instruments from the seventies taking the spotlight like moog,hammond and mellotron.This is fairly laid back with male and female vocals in Italian.Some nice electric guitar before 14 minutes. […] full review
peppe dispirito says:
[…] Nicola Randone con la sua band punta su una suite in cui riesce ad unire la personalità mostrata nel suo recente lavoro Nuvole di ieri con la tradizione più classica del prog italiano. Le tastiere di Beppe Crovellacreano magici suoni che rimandano direttamente agli anni ’70, mentre il cantante si mette bene in mostra con la sua caratteristica voce. La composizione si sviluppa in maniera molto lineare, tra belle melodie, spunti strumentali in cui irrompe il rock sinfonico più puro, il gradevole intervento di una seconda voce (femminile) ed intrecci elettroacustici di un certo spessore, che hanno sempre il loro fascino. I Randoneriescono così nuovamente a far incrociare il progressive di matrice sinfonica ed il cantautorato colto ottenendo risultati ben apprezzabili. […] full review
keetian says:
[…] Randone takes over with “Jill,” a whore turned respectable woman, due to her marriage to a farmer that gets gunned down before she arrives at her new home. Randone has an organ that dominates the beginning of the tune and continues to repeat the theme, only each successive time something new is added to change the sound. Then they do all kinds of different things. All in all they had about 86 changes in the song,which means there was something happening every 15 to 20 seconds. This band knows how to play prog and keep it interesting! They should do well. I think it would be a good thing for all prog bands to plaster how many changes they have in each song on the front of every album. This way there might be a little more effort by the bands to put more into their concepts and give us listeners more for our money. Anyway, The guitar also shines and there are some decent vocals by the band. I did like the female voices better than the male ones though. […] full review
mark hughes says:
[…] Randone, one of three Italian bands on the album, have utilised a plethora of seventies keyboard sounds in their symphonic piece which uniquely features some female lead vocals (appropriate to their chosen character). […] full review
Thomas says:
[…] Randone verlieren völlig den Bezug zum Western und präsentieren ihre “Jill” als Standard-Retroprog-Epos. Einzig ein gelegentliches eingespieltes Pfederwiehern erinnert an die eigentliche Aufgabenstellung. Und da die Musik wie gesagt auch nicht so richtig in die Pötte kommt, ist dies der schwächste Beitrag des Albums.[…] full review